My Young Adult novel will be published in 2014!

I’ve probably talked before about my YA novel, penned under the moniker of Iris St. Clair. It’s contemporary and titled, Louder Than Words. You might have read a flash fiction short on my blog called The Check. That was a starter / teaser story for Louder, which obviously evolved way beyond a 1000 word flash fiction tale.

I’m thrilled to announce that I’ve signed an agreement with Swoon Romance, a digital first imprint of Month9Books, to publish Louder Than Words, probably in September 2014.

Never been in Publisher’s Marketplace before, but this deal made it:

Publishers Marketplace

Woo-hoo! Louder Than Words is very near and dear to my heart, and I’m so thrilled to be joining the Swoon Romance family with other wonderful authors such as Cassie Mae, author of one of my 2013 top 10 reads, Reasons I Fell For The Funny Fat Friend.

Now to get a professional author photo for Iris. Ugh. I need a makeover. I need to shave off a few decades. Watch for the new, improved me in the days ahead. Ha!

2 thoughts on “My Young Adult novel will be published in 2014!

    • Thank you, Silver! It’s been a very nice Christmas present, indeed! 🙂 Hope you had a joyful holiday. Looking forward to what 2014 will bring for both of us. 😉

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